Morris, IL (PRWEB) August 15, 2014
Plain gray concrete is everywhere and most people do not care who put it there. Decorative concrete, on the other hand, has been growing in popularity every year and is being installed in both residential and commercial settings every single day. People like what people see and are very interested in knowing who can do that type of work for them. As architects, designers and contractors continue to see the possibilities that decorative concrete can offer, this trend will certainly continue. What better way for a contractor to advertise their work than leaving their “business card” in the very surface that everyone is interested in.
Simple “date” concrete stamps have been around for decades and are usually made from a metal such as brass. These simple tools can be quite expensive and really do not offer much in the way of advertising. If a contractor wanted a more detailed design with the existing tools systems, it would turn out to be very expensive and take time to be sent out and made. As part of their business expansion into precision custom tool making, Walttools saw it was time that contractors had an easier time getting the type of tool needed to imprint their information with a design that reflected their business.
The ability for the contractor to get custom logo stamps offers a simple solution for contractors at a small investment. Customers can choose simple text based designs or full custom logos that can be designed by themselves or by Walttools’ in house design team house. Logo impressions can be used by contractors to serve as a permanent business card for all who see the project. Another, often overlooked, use is actually for the client who would like a special logo or design in their project to give it a more personal touch. “One major advantage is that whether it is a simple logo or complex in-house design, custom items can usually ship to the customer within a day of proof approval, which is a vast improvement over the 1-3 week turn around found in the marketplace,” says Jason Cortez, design engineer at Walttools. The tools are made from a high density polyethylene material that has long life and is not unwieldy like old school metal tools. Each tool will also exhibit a high quality oak handle, making it easy for a decorative concrete contractor to leave their mark on the world.