“Zillij,” cardstock, 12″, by Chris K Palmer

Image by En Why See
Zillij by Chris K Palmer, (modified from a traditional design by his student Elizabeth Ager), 2009, 12" diameter. Cut on the Craft ROBO Pro and assembled by Jeffrey Rutzky.
Video version:
While teaching architecture at the University of Colorado–Boulder, Chris K Palmer developed Rhinoscripts to calculate intersecting “ribs.” Using several variables, such as material thicknesses, the script automatically generates vector-based files that, in turn, are used to drive CNC machines (laser and Craft ROBO cutters, 3-axis routers). Not only has Palmer expressed his favorite traditional Middle Eastern patterns, but he also has built, with his students, life-sized domed structures. All models assemble without external fasteners or adhesives, and use only the flat parts themselves, much like sliceforms.
Creating forms using the box slot connection began with work by Akio Hizume, who wrote custom software to calculate patterns, as well as scale and life-sized towers.
The mad scientists behind the zonk prizes on 'Let's Make a Deal'
Ricky Bartlett jumps in on everything and makes the zonks look their best onstage. Brian Chrismon is the animation whiz. Their toolbox includes a 3-D printer and a CNC machine for cutting custom-made parts. The crew takes on everything, from …
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3DXNano ESD Filaments Launched for 3D Printing
3d_tech_logo BYRON CENTER, MI, Oct 20, 2014 – 3DXTech.com has introduced two new grades of ESD-safe materials developed specifically for use in desktop 3D Printers. 3DXNano ESD filaments are made from engineering-grade polymers and …
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Heiden exec sees more jobs on horizon
MANITOWOC – Matt Jacobson doesn't have any job openings at his 70,000-square-foot custom metal fabricating plant. But, the young adults working at Heiden Inc.'s Expo Drive facility have good long-term employment prospects, and Jacobson says it's a …
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