Some cool precision engineering photos:
William T. Sherman

Image by dbking
William Tecumseh Sherman Monument
Place: 15th Street at Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Sculptor: Carl Rohl-Smith
Date: 1903
Medium: Bronze
Even though the Grant Memorial might be the grandest, the Sherman Monument behind the U.S. Treasury is the biggest and most complex of all the Civil War memorials.
Before the Civil War, Sherman had floundered in life. He graduated from West Point in 1840 and went on to serve in the Mexican War, but resigned his commission in 1853 to enter the banking organization. But as banks failed, so did his banking career. When he tried to return to the military he was rebuffed and turned to law but lost the only case he tried. In 1861, at the outbreak of the Civil War, Sherman was serving as superintendent of a new military college in Louisiana but turned down a commission in the Confederate Army. At age 41, he was reappointed as colonel of the 13th infantry as the standard U.S. army expanded. His memoirs note that he “felt as though there was now a goal in his life” at this commission. Attaining the rank of commander of the Army of the Tennessee in 1863, Sherman’s “March to the Sea” during the winter of 1864-1865 captured the imagination of the North. This occasion led the press, who Sherman mistrusted and who disliked him in return, to turn into an immensely attractive hero. As a lieutenant general and then common and commander of the whole army from 1869-1883, Sherman was well-liked amongst veterans, whose welfare he looked after. He was active in veterans’ organizations, in continual demand as a speaker at reunions, dedications, and encampments, and he rarely turned down an invitation to “mix with the boys.” When word of his death in February 1891 reached the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, its officers began to program for a memorial honoring his memory.
Choice of the Sculptor
As with the Grant Memorial (although many years later), members at the society’s summer season encampment voted to erect a memorial to honor him “in the nation’s capitol, the heart of Union he had fought to save.” Congress was asked for and appropriated ,000 to establish the Sherman Monument Commission. The Society swiftly established committees in each and every state to raise funds, writing solicitation letters to many military organizations of the day, as well as encouraging each and every Union veteran to contribute to the statue fund “so that when the statue is erected in Washington, every soldier who sees it will really feel that it is a component of his effort.” With the plea for funds was an emotional circular to remind veterans of Sherman’s concern for them. Regardless of the appeals, only ,469.91 was raised, requiring Congress to double its contribution. By 1895, confident that they would be effective in raising the final funds required, the Society announced a competitors to pick a design for the monument. The Society wanted only equestrian models from American artists and asked the National Sculpture Society to assist in the choice of the artist.
By April 1896, twenty-3 sculptors had submitted models. Numerous of the sculptors had submitted models for earlier monumental commissions but had lost. The models had been displayed in the basement of the War Division where the public could view them and offer opinions. In mid-May possibly, the commission announced 4 finalists and the National Sculpture Society sent a delegation of the nation’s most prominent sculptors to evaluate the finalist’s models. The public had favored the most elaborate model, submitted by Danish born Carl Rohl-Smith, but the National Sculpture Society’s judges relegated Rohl-Smith’s design and style to the bottom, discovering “it is ill conceived and overdone.” Two weeks following the National Sculpture Society’s delegation opined, the Sherman Monument commission announced Rohl-Smith as the winner. The losers had been outraged and cried foul, claiming that the Sherman Monument Commission entirely disregarded the opinion of the professionals. The National Sculpture Society also protested the decision. The “Washington Star” newspaper referred to as the competitors a “bunko game.” In June, at the urging of the National Sculpture Society, Sen. Wolcott (CO), who had mentioned the nation’s capital was already disgraced by sufficient bad sculpture, presented a resolution for an inquiry into the award of the Sherman commission. What ensued was a debate that intensified the fantastic divide amongst the “artistic experts” who disliked Rohl-Smith’s model and the public’s wish for Rohl-Smith’s design and style. The wrangling continued till July, with Rohl-Smith possessing to deny that he had any influence in Washington, only the ideal design and style. Finally, the opposition surrendered and Rohl-Smith went to work on his sculpture.
The Location
Whilst the selection approach was contentious at greatest, the selection of the location for Rohl-Smith’s statue, which was going on simultaneously, was much less difficult. A slight incline on the south side of the Treasury building was identified, because it was exactly where Sherman had watched the two-day Grand Review of the Union Army in Might 1865. On the initial day of the evaluation, Sherman stood silently watching the Army of the Potomac march by in precision. Sherman’s personal men (the Army of the Tennessee) would pass in assessment the second day, and worried they would not measure up to the Army of the Potomac, he rode across the river to their camp and called collectively all his commanding officers. He described in detail the precision marching of the Army of the Potomac, hoping that the officers would relay this to his men and inspire them to appear as sharp as the Army of the Potomac. On the second day of the review, Sherman led the Army of the Tennessee up Pennsylvania Avenue with the military bands playing “Marching Via Georgia,” a new tune in their honor. As he and his band of males neared the rise at the Treasury creating, Sherman pulled aside, turned facing eastward in his saddle, and with President Johnson and other dignitaries watched his guys march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward him and the reviewing dignitaries.
Commenting on the second day of the Grand Overview, the Washington Star reported that “this day’s guys were taller, lankier, more sun beaten that these who had marched the day before. Their strides have been longer, more confident. They swung along with an easy grace and their spirits high. They were magnificent.” Crowds along Pennsylvania Avenue cheered them, throwing flowers and Sherman was practically overcome with emotion. In his memoirs he recalls this to be “one of the happiest, most satisfying moments of his life.” For that reason, this spot was chosen as the place for the Sherman monument, and the pride Sherman felt watching his males would be captured by Rohl-Smith in the statue itself.
The Sculpture Requires Shape
In 1897, Rohl-Smith set up his studio in a huge barn-like structure that the Secretary of the Treasury built for him near the web site. The developing integrated an apartment exactly where he and his wife Sara lived even though he worked. In 1900, having completed models for the equestrian statue and 3 of the 4 soldiers that would stand guard at the monument’s corners, Rohl-Smith sailed to Denmark for a visit. While there, he died unexpectedly at age of 52 in Copenhagen. His wife, Sara, asked the Sherman Monument Commission to permit her to arrange the artist who would complete the statue and the commission agreed. Sara, along with some of the young Scandinavians who had been operating with her husband, effectively directed the completion of the monument making use of her late husband’s original drawings. In August 1903, the Washington Star reported that the first cast sections of the 14’ tall equestrian statue have been arriving at the website. Sherman’s torso, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head comprised the biggest piece.
Design and style Components
On each and every corner of the tiered platform, facing outward, were placed four life size soldiers representing infantry, cavalry, artillery, and engineers. A relief on the north side of the pedestal shows guys marching by means of Georgia as slaves step from their quarters to watch them pass. The relief on the south side depicts the Battle of Atlanta with Sherman and his staff at headquarters as smoke rises from the burning city in the distance. The reliefs on the west and east sides of the pedestal show Sherman walking amongst his males sleeping about a campfire and the basic with his officers on horseback just before the Battle of Missionary Ridge. Pairs of medallions bearing bas-reliefs of Sherman’s army and corps commanders (James Birdseye McPherson and Oliver O Howard, John A Logan and Francis Preston Blair, Greenville M. Dodge and Edward G. Ransom, and Benjamin Grierson and Andrew J. Smith) flank the larger reliefs on the east and west sides. Massive bronze groups installed halfway up the monument’s east and west sides depict “Peace” and “War”. “Peace,” on the east side, depicts a graceful woman holding an olive branch accompanied by 3 children, one particular feeding a dove. “War,” on the west side, is a horrible fury, seething with rage and hatred, who tramples humanity in the form of a dead young soldier at her feet. Big bronze vultures perch on the body about to feast on its flesh, graphically driving property Sherman’s well-known observation that “war is hell.” Inscribed on the north façade is yet another Sherman quote: “war’s genuine object is much more excellent peace.” Ultimately, inscribed in the wide mosaic band about the base of the monument are the several battles in which Sherman participated.
The Dedication Ceremony
The Society of the Army of the Tennessee created the plans for the dedication of the Sherman Monument. They arranged specific excursion trains to bring veterans to Washington, special hotel rates, and activities for veterans’ wives. As the date of dedication arrived, October 15, 1903, thousands arrived in Washington and filled all hotels, forcing numerous to remain in hotels as far away as Baltimore and Annapolis. In Washington, miles of bunting and acres of flags decorated businesses, properties, and government buildings. The base of the monument itself was entwined with 400’ of garland and at each and every corner stood wreaths 7’ in diameter. On every side of the base was a 6’ high shield of red, white, and blue flowers—one for every of the 4 armies. The statue of Sherman was enfolded amongst two huge American flags suspended on wires whilst a lot more flags covered the bronze soldiers at the corners. On the reviewing stand for the parade that preceded the ceremonies Turkish carpets were laid. Overstuffed armchairs for President Theodore Roosevelt and other dignitaries lined the freshly painted railings of the reviewing stand. A lot more than a thousand folding chairs had been arranged in a semi-circle in front for the actual unveiling, with two hundred unique chairs for the “veterans who had left limbs to rot on the battlefield” proper at the base of the statue. Specific tables were set aside for the press and the Western Union operators. The parade, which stretched for miles, started at 2:00pm. President Roosevelt could barely contain his enthusiasm and kept leaping out of his chair to wave and shout to passing units. The last tune played before the ceremony was “Marching By way of Georgia.” General Greenville Dodge, president of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, presided. At Dodge’s signal, the late general’s young grandson, William Tecumseh Sherman Thorndike, pulled the cord that parted the flags to show Sherman astride his horse.
The ceremony was uncommon among dedications for the eloquence of its speakers. Dedication speeches had previously been patriotic and sentimental, but the speakers at this a single, particularly President Roosevelt, rose above the standard nostalgia. President Roosevelt’s speech was filled with moving, challenging imagery, because Roosevelt had an agenda and he relished the pulpit afforded to at this dedication ceremony (the nation had only lately finished the Spanish-American War), but his words express thoughts still valid these days.
President Roosevelt stated that, as an emerging international power, the nation must be ever vigilant and always robust and veterans in the audience roared in agreement. Roosevelt also used this chance to contact for a powerful national defense, chiding opponents by saying, “No man is warranted in feeling pride in the deeds of the Army and Navy of the previous if he does not back up the Army and Navy of the present.” Roosevelt wanted no 1 to rest on past laurels, calling for Americans to be vigorous, rigorous, up and performing noble deeds, and pursuing lofty objectives, stating that heroes like Sherman ought to spur citizens to comparable acts. The President known as for new patriotism, honesty and vigilance – all qualities exhibited by Sherman and other “great dead.” Roosevelt continued: “The triumphs of the previous need to be lessons that, if learned, would lead to victory in challenges however to come. It is a fantastic and glorious point for a nation to be stirred to present triumph by the splendid triumphs of the previous. But it is a shameful thing for a nation if these memories stir it only to empty boastings…We of the present, if we are correct to the past, must show by our lives that we have learned aright the lessons taught by the males who did the mighty deeds of the previous.” As Roosevelt spoke, the thousands of veterans sitting in front of him, who had carried out the “mighty deeds” of the past, have been stirred to know that this man wasn’t searching back in time but forward. He told these assembled that their hard won victories would guide the nation into a glorious future that they would not reside to see but whose destiny they had guaranteed. Through Roosevelt’s guarantee of a sort of immortality, the males of the armies of the Tennessee, Cumberland, Ohio and the Potomac rose and gave him 1 ovation following one more.