Some cool precision grinding and sharpening photos:
Image from web page 180 of “Jungle trails and jungle men and women : travel, adventure and abservation in the Far East” (1905)

Image by Net Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: jungletrailsjun00whit
Title: Jungle trails and jungle folks : travel, adventure and abservation in the Far East
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Whitney, Caspar, 1862-1929
Subjects: Hunting
Publisher: New York : C. Scribner
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ke the leopard.They seek to make their look as terrifyingas feasible to embolden them on their journeysagainst the wind, to which they attribute each illthat befalls them. Lightning, thunder, rainbows—all such heavenly phenomena are regarded as themessengers of the undesirable ghost of the wind, fromwhom they tremblingly implore deliverance. Theyare excessively superstitious, and on occasions offright the females provide lighted coals and bundlesof their childrens hair, even though the guys shoot poi-soned darts from their blow-guns in the generalendeavor to propitiate the evil gods. As a rulethey are sincere in word and deed, and a moralpeople in their personal way. Right here, deep in the jungle of Malay, did I, at lastin the Ear East, discover a individuals for whom the legend1 Produced in Germany had no significance all theirarticles of ornament (save the necklace, which iscomposed of seeds and animals teeth) and utilityare constructed totally of the ubiquitous bamboo,as is the blow-gun, named sumpitan. This gun
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SAKAIS CUTTING DOWN A TREE. MOTO Bv C*PT T he man cutting is about 30 feet from the ground and the tree is 200 feet higher and 6 feet in diameter. I hey build the scaffolding and fell the tree in a single day. utilizing only the small crude axe such as that seen in the topmost mans hand. HUMAN TREE-DWELLERS V21 is a pipe about an inch and 1-half in diameterand six and 1-half feet in length the bore,drilled most accurately, is quarter inch, and thedarts nine inches in length, about the circumfer-ence of a heavy darning needle, are sharpened atone end, and poisoned. With these they safe allthe meat they eat in the jungle: birds, monkeys,snakes, lizards. They also have knives created ofbamboo, with which they reduce roots, herbs, andfruits. I was amazed at the marksmanship of theSakais with these blow-guns frequently I saw themhit with precision and repeated accuracy smalltargets complete sixty feet distant and they appearedable to drive a dart into the crawling flesh oflizard as far as it could be
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Image from page 174 of “Canadian machinery and metalworking (July-December 1917)” (1917)

Image by Internet Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: canmachinerjuldec1917toro
Title: Canadian machinery and metalworking (July-December 1917)
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Subjects: Machinery Machinery Machinery
Publisher: Toronto MacLean-Hunter
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on cut V above, one-third of the land from the cuttingedge has concentric relief. The remainingtwo-thirds is eccentrically relieved. A tapmade in this way can be ground for sharpen-ing at the only appropriate point—on the face ofthe cutting edge. Sharpening in no wayaffects its size or the form of the thread. The Taper Tap has a cylindrical pilot and on the cham-fered portion of the tap the prime of the thread is relievedclear to the cutting edge to safe keen cutting qualities. The building of Pratt & Whitney Taps not onlyinsures higher accuracy and refinement than has here-tofore been achievable to obtain in a industrial tool, butalso insures the freest cutting tap with the longest life—an exclusive P. & W. Mixture. Precision Machine Tools, Requirements 6& Gauges PRATT&WHITNEYCO: of ^ Canada, Restricted MONTREAL723 Drummond Bldg. Works: DUNDAS, ONTARIO TORONTO WINNIPEG 1002 C.P.R. Bldg. 1205 McArthur Bldg. VANCOUVERB.C. Gear Co. July 12, 1917. CANADIAN MACHINERY
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Image from web page 173 of “Canadian machinery and metalworking (July-December 1917)” (1917)

Image by World wide web Archive Book Images
Identifier: canmachinerjuldec1917toro
Title: Canadian machinery and metalworking (July-December 1917)
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Subjects: Machinery Machinery Machinery
Publisher: Toronto MacLean-Hunter
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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CANADIAN MACHINERY Modest TOOLS »z < k PROMPT SERVICE is assured at our neareststore where P. & W. SmallTools are carried in stock forimmediate delivery. Placeyour order there to-day. P. & W. TAPS Insure the Greatest Accuracy CUTTING y!*.-*- _i EDGE
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The Tapswith thei Con-eccentric Trade-Mark Registered Land As will be noticed bv the cross-section cut V above, 1-third of the land from the cuttingedge has concentric relief. The remainingtwo-thirds is eccentrically relieved. A tapmade in this way can be ground for sharpen-ing at the only right point—on the face ofthe cutting edge. Sharpening in no wayaffects its size or the form of the thread. The Taper Tap has a cylindrical pilot and on the cham-fered portion of the tap the prime of the thread is relievedclear to the cutting edge to secure keen cutting qualities. The construction of Pratt & Whitney Taps not onlyinsures greater accuracy and refinement than has right here-tofore been attainable to acquire in a commercial tool, butalso insures the freest cutting tap with the longest life—an exclusive P. & W. Combination. Precision Machine Tools, Standards 6& Gauges PRATT&WHITNEYCO: of ^ Canada, Limited MONTREAL723 Drummond Bldg. Performs: DUNDAS, ONTARIO TORONTO WINNIPEG 1002 C
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