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Good China Mechanical Engineering photographs
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Image from web page 615 of “Railway mechanical engineer” (1916)
Image by World wide web Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: railwaymechanica95newy
Title: Railway mechanical engineer
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad vehicles
Publisher: New York, N.Y. : Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ct. The operation of this systemlightens the work and tends to make it significantly much more easy and favorablefor the workmen handling material, thereby decreasing laborturnover and increasing the efficiency of unskilled labor.The method is being manufactured and sold by the WhitingCorporation, Harvey, 111. Special Hydraulic Driving Wheel Press THE Hydraulic Press Manufacturing Company, MountGilead, Ohio, designed and constructed the unique hydraulicpress, illustrated, which was not too long ago sold by the Mc-Carter Cooper Company, New York, to the Compagnie Gen-eral De Chemins De Fer & Tramways en Chine, Pekin,China. This press is utilized for forcing driving wheels on or off between strain bars is 84 in. and in between ram and resistancehead is 108 in. maximum. This may be decreased to 78 in.by moving the resistance head, which is mounted on wheels.The press is also equipped with a belt-driven energy attach-ment and three plunger pump with each low and high pres-positive plungers. The pump is equipped with hand and pres-
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
Hydraulic Press for Applying Driving Wheels to Crank Axles the crank-axles of locomotives, a special style of press beingnecessary due to the fact of the crank throws. The press will manage wheels 80 in. in diameter and significantly less,becoming capable of exerting a force of 330 tons. The distance certain knock-outs whereby any one particular or all pump cylinders perhaps eliminated from service at will or automatically when themaximum pressure is reached. A little hydraulic cylinderand ram returns the main ram to its beginning position. Railway
Note About Photos
Please note that these pictures are extracted from scanned page photos that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original perform.

Cool Prototype China images
Some cool prototype china images:
Trash Aviation Founder, Jim Boatscum
Image by Velo abzug
Jim Boatskum, founder of Trash Aviation unincorporated, holds in his left hand, the prototype radio controlled stunt flier created from a plastic pop bottle, styrofoam cup, styrofoam meat trays, tape and bubble rap & in Jim’s appropriate hand, a balsa glider I made for . Whilst the battery in T-1 charges, we launched the totally free-flight glider on this fine day on the grassy hill in Bellingham WA.
An now, a message from the President:
DOWNWARD BOUND – with Hippie Jim
Permalink +
Mon, Jun 14, 2010, 11:34 am // Kamalla Rose Kaur
Bums don’t quit when they hit bottom…
Bums never quit when they hit bottom, they punch proper by means of and preserve going. Quitting is for addicts.
With the ongoing harvest, processing, and export of the middle class you may uncover your self canned, fired, baked, fried, or just burnt out. You imagine you will just grow to be a bum, but it really is not that effortless. You require coaching to live like me. Takes ability, study, and aptitude to be a bum. Bumming has its traditions and methods since there are methods to do issues… effectively, often there aren’t. We employed to be hobos and tramps. Can’t be a hobo no much more due to the fact you can not hop a train to India or China exactly where the jobs are. Can not be a tramp these days with no silicone and botox. So I’m going to teach a poverty survival class named DOWNWARD BOUND, simply because the poor and destitute are the quickest growing industry in the USA! We never purchase anything, but we can make up for it in volume. DOWNWARD BOUND charges no funds, but you have to want to be a bum. Like any other job, you won’t get hired if you’re not enthusiastic.
About Puget Sound, we’ve had bums for as extended as we’ve had folks who disapprove of them. To hear the missionaries talk, the fur traders have been bums. Dirty Dan was a bum. We have old bums from the days of freighthopping, middle-aged bums from the Vietnam and Gulf wars, young bums from Jerry’s death, tiny kids in bum schools, and we’ve got fitness freaks losing bums all over the spot. We got ’em moving right here in droves, running from the weather in Florida and Texas, running from predators in California, bummed out by Enron and Arnold. These people ain’t raised up to be poor, they got no encounter and no life abilities except paying for items. It really is tough function not working, for those utilized to not operating in corporations.
Like how bums got no water cooler. No cubicles. No everyday commute. No boss. With no boss, who’s going to tell you what to do? Glenn Beck? Earth 1st!? Individuals inform the homeless what to do, they often say, “Get a job!” What do you say to somebody who sees a “will work for food” sign and says “get a job”? Like the bum’s hoping to be rescued by aliens with that sign? Or score hot babes? That only operates on the Internet. Seriously, when’s the final time YOU saw a sign saying, Bums Wanted?
With no a cubicle, exactly where are you going to sleep? Where are you going to get dates off Craigslist, post videos of co-workers breaking the law, or get your WoW fix? Where are you going to get Post-It notes? How are you going to keep your on the web resume up to date, not to mention Facebook? And no water cooler – men and women have hung around water coolers because there had been village wells. Exactly where do bums get to hang? Where do they locate drinking water?
There IS free coffee for bums, but it really is not worth what you spend for it.
You gotta be inventive to be poor. Times adjust and you adapt. I utilized to reside at the airport below a plane, but these days flew. I lived on a boat after. I lived below a boat when. Below was greater. I had a high rise apartment inside the old Oeser chimney. What a view! Then one night some amateur scientist decides to shoot fireworks up that chimney. I got down the ladder alive and we both fled the scene before the uniforms got there. After that I slept in the planter box at the Bank of America. That worked wonderful for me since I get up early, and they sleep in.
Really this town is a peaceful resting location. If you can snooze whilst sitting upright, holding a book, you can sleep anyplace in Bellingham.
Food here in the Pacific Northwest is no issue either, specially for meat-consuming bums like me. With a carrot in one particular hand and a huge stick in the other, bagging Bambi is easy. I employed to use a snare to catch deer but I caught hippies that way. Do you know how difficult it is to clean one of them?
Beside venison, there’s lots of other nearby meals. Have you noticed far more black squirrels around town? That is due to the fact the gray ones taste far better. And I consume lots of birds. I produced me a bird zapper on a cell tower in the woods. Operates very good on hotdogs as well, but it is tough to find hotdogs off-leash. So how do bums roast game with out a stove? Forget about fires, you can’t get wood, you cannot burn, and you can not smoke. Again you got to move with the instances. When I lived below that jet plane, when they fired her up I’d heave a venison roast, or meals bank turkey, via the engine. It came out cooked, sliced, and smoked. I got a patent for spiral sliced sandwich meat as well. Or you can take a long bamboo pole, stick one thing on the finish and poke it into a substation. Pow! Requires the fur and feathers proper off.
Now my favorite way to cook salmon is to lay it in the back window of a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda. That was the best salmon-cooking automobile ever. You just lay that fish below the sloping back window on a sunny day, set a can of pepper spray next to it and when the can explodes, the fish is completed – AND seasoned! Employed to use Mace, but individuals like hot pepper presently.
Bathing is no difficulty for bums in these parts. I get showered-on most daily. On rare hot days the lawn sprinklers come on at four a.m. Or if you want a true extended hot soak, I advocate the executive bathroon at the Port of Bellingham. It is some sort of temple with this enormous, I mean 8 feet across, fancy imitation marble sink. It appears like a giant bird bath, or communal baptismal font, with a huge brass shower head above squirting warm water. I figure Port commisioners use that sink to wash their hands right after signing dirty deals. When when they weren’t there, I plugged the drain, stripped naked and climbed in. Heavenly, but don’t use their soap.
Back when you have been middle class you necessary to know who’s who. Now you need to have to know what is what.
With Hippie Jim’s poverty survival course, DOWNWARD BOUND, you will also learn:
1. Who performs for you and who does not. (Hint: people wearing uniforms do not operate for you any longer. Not even if the uniform says “Burger King” on the pocket.)
two. The banks never work for you any a lot more either, so you can find out to keep your funds on your body somewhere no a single will go, even for income. (Hint: after a month, your sock is sufficient).
3. How to inform organizations that want to kill you from those that just do not want you around? (Hint: the 1st group have “General,” “Corporation,” or “Limited” in their name, and the second have someone’s first name”)
4. Meals Bank, very good Blood Bank, poor Sperm Bank, good Data Bank, negative. More about banks…
five. Mullen, excellent nettles, poor: toiletries from nature. Do Bums Shit in the Woods? Sanitation with no sewers. Wellness without having medicine. Dreads with out head lice.
With so several of us in economic freefall, we’re going to need to have professional tips in poverty survival. Get in touch with Hippie Jim, or remain tuned for more particulars.

Good China Prototype images
Some cool china prototype pictures:
Cesar HARADA & Protei on SCMP
Image by cesarharada.com
Yuen Extended farm an hour from the sea might not appear like the best place for a boat workshop, but it is exactly where French- Japanese environmentalist and inventor Cesar Harada is based.
That’s exactly where he is designing and constructing unique robotic boats with shape-shifting hulls and the capacity to clean up oil spills. The hull alterations shape to manage the path “like a fish”, Harada, 30, says. It is efficiently a second sail in the water, so the boat has a tighter turning circle and can even sail backwards.
“I hope to make the world’s most manoeuvrable sailboat,” he says. “The shape-shifting hull is a genuine breakthrough in technologies. Nobody has carried out it in a dynamic way before.”
Harada hopes 1 day a fleet of fully automated boats will patrol the oceans, performing all sorts of clean-up and information- collection tasks, such as radioactivity sensing, coral reef imaging and fish counting.
Asia could benefit greatly simply because, Harada says, the area has the worst pollution problems in the world. Yet the story of his invention started in the Gulf of Mexico, following one of the most devastating environmental disasters in current years – the 2010 BP oil spill. Harada was working in building in Kenya when the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hired him to lead a team of researchers to create a robot that could clean up the oil.
He spent half his salary going to the gulf and hiring a fisherman to take him to the oil spill. Much more than 700 repurposed fishing boats had been deployed to clean up the slick, but only 3 per cent of the oil was collected.
It then dawned on him that since the robot he was creating at MIT was patented, it could only be created by one business, which would take a long time, and it would be so high-priced that it could only be utilised in wealthy nations.
This realisation created Harada quit his “dream job” to develop an alternative oil-cleaning technologies: anything low cost, fast and open-source, so it could be freely used, modified and distributed by anyone, as long as they shared their improvements with the neighborhood.
He moved to New Orleans to be closer to the spill, and taught nearby residents how to map the oil with cameras attached to balloons and kites.
Harada set up a business to develop his invention, originally primarily based in New York before moving to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and then San Francisco. Now, Harada says he will be based in Hong Kong for at least the subsequent 5 years. He built his workshop and adjoining office in Yuen Long himself in 5 months on what employed to be a concrete parking space covered with an iron roof right after acquiring the internet site in June last year.
He 1st visited Hong Kong last year while sailing around the planet on a four-month cruise for entrepreneurs and students. It is the ideal place for his ocean
robotics company, he says, simply because the city’s import-export capabilities and the availability of electronics in Shenzhen are the best in the globe. Also, Hongkongers are excited about technology, setting up a organization is effortless, taxes are low and regulations flexible, he says.
He named the boat Protei right after the proteus salamander, which lives in the caves of Slovenia. “Our very first boat actually looked like this ugly, strange, blind salamander,” Harada
says with a laugh. He later discovered that Proteus is the nameofaGreekseagod–oneof the sons of Poseidon, who protects sea creatures by changing form, and the name stuck. “He is the shepherd of the sea,” Harada says.
Harada constructed the very first 4 prototypes in a month by hacking and reconfiguring toys in his garage, and invented the shape-shifting hull to pull long objects. A cylinder of oil- absorbent material is attached to the end of the boat that soaks up oil like a sponge. The shape-
shifting hull permits the jib – or front sail – and the primary sail to be at distinct angles to the wind, enabling the boat to sail upwind much more efficiently, intercepting spilled oil that is drifting downwind.
“Sailing is an ancient technologies that we are abandoning. But it’s how humans colonised the whole earth, so it is a actually effective technology,” Harada says. “The shape-shifting hull is a superior way of steering a wind vessel.”
The prototype is now in its 11th generation. The hull, which measures about a metre lengthy, looks and moves like a snake’s spine. Harada built ten prototypes this month, which are sold on the internet to individuals and institutions who want to develop the technology for their personal uses.
He has collaborators in South Korea, Norway, Mexico and many other nations.
“The much more folks copy us, the greater the technology becomes,” he says.
Harada, who describes himself as an environmental entrepreneur, says investors have offered to purchase half of the organization, but he has turned them all down. “They do not realize the environmental aspect of the company,” he says.
“They want to build massive boats and sell them as expensively as feasible.”
Harada has a larger vision for Protei. He wants to create
a new market place of automated boats. He hopes that a single day they will replace the expensive, manned ocean-going vessels that are at the moment employed for scientific research. He says
1 of these ships can expense tens of millions of dollars, and a additional US,000 worth of fuel is burned each day. That does not contain the price of a captain, three or 4 crew members, a cook and a team of researchers.
The expense of these analysis missions is one of the causes we know so little about the ocean, Harada says. We have explored only five per cent of the ocean, even even though it covers 70 per cent of the earth. “We know more about Mars than we know about the ocean.”
He notes that there is no gravity in space, so we can send up huge satellites. But submarines that have attempted to discover the depths of the ocean have been crushed by the stress of the water. Ships are not totally free from risk, either.
“Seafaring is the most dangerous occupation on earth,” Harada says.
Far more folks die at sea
than on building internet sites.
An automated boat would
also prevent researchers
from becoming exposed to pollution and radiation.
Harada’s Japanese family members live 100km from Fukushima, and he will go back there for a third time
in October to measure the underwater radioactivity close to the internet site. Though he admits to getting scared, “it’s the greatest release of radioactive particles in history and nobody is actually talking about it”.
Harada is also functioning with students from the Harbour School, exactly where he teaches, to create an optical plastic sensor. “We talk a lot about air pollution, but water pollution is also a huge difficulty,” he says.
He says industries in countries such as India and Vietnam have developed so fast and many environmental problems in the region have not been addressed. “In Kerala [India], all the rivers have been destroyed. The rivers in Kochi are black like ink and smell of sewage. Now it’s fully not possible to swim or fish in them.”
Hong Kong has not been spared, either. Harada joins beach clean-ups on Lamma Island and says even months soon after an oil spill and government clean-up last year, they found crabs whose lungs had been complete of oil. He says locals fish and swim in the water and there are mussels on the seabed that are still covered in oil.
“The dilemma is as big as the ocean,” Harada says. But he believes if man created the difficulty, man can remedy it. The son of Japanese sculptor Tetsuo Harada, he grew up in Paris and Saint Malo and studied product and interactive design in France and at the Royal College of Art in London.
But he believes that at an sophisticated level, art and science grow to be indistinguishable.
“I do not see a barrier between science and art at the leading level,” he says. “It’s exactly where imagination meets details.” darren.wee@scmp.com

Cool Metal Components China photos
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Thames Festival Finale Fireworks
Image by Dominic’s pics
Element of a Set / Virtual Firework Display Slideshow documenting the firework show that marked the end of the "the mayor’s" Thames Festival in London on the evening of Sunday September 11th 2011.
The display was presented by Pains Fireworks.
A delay in the start off of the show from the scheduled time was attributed by the crowds to incompetence by "Bumbling Boris" Johnson – the London Mayor – portion of the British patrician "limited liability" ruling class. "I’m in charge, but if anything goes incorrect, somebody else will be sacked…"
Like the intense audio dynamic range of Taiko or Samba drumming, it is not really feasible to record the visual brilliance of fireworks with a camera. You have to knowledge firework displays reside, in individual. These photos have been taken at the slowest sensor speed (ISO 100), maximum aperture (to minimise diffraction "glare" effects) and with a variety of exposure times ranging from about .five to two seconds. The intense light brought on some "bleaching" of the paths of the lights, and so the colours have been enriched if Photoshop. (In retrospect I may possibly have utilised a slightly smaller sized aperture.)Additionally, the river and land areas have been selectively lightened in Photoshop. Fortuitously, a gentle breeze caused the smoke to drift eastwards, away from my vantage point on Waterloo Bridge, so the view of the fireworks was comparatively unobstructed by smoke.
Fireworks date from at least the 7th century in China. The colours are believed to have been conventional incandescent "black body" bonfire colours: red, orange, yellow and white. (It is theoretically feasible to create pale blue just by heating, but this demands impracticably higher temperatures. It is not achievable to heat one thing to "green hot" or "purple hot".) It is believed that from about 1830 in Italy metal salts have been introduced to make a wider, richer hued, spectrum of colours by chemical luminescence. This strategy can be problematic, as it can be tough to develop stable, sensible, chemical compositions. It has been recommended that some shades of green are still challenging to accomplish.
See also:
Fireworks [Wikipedia]
Firework Colours [The chemistry of Fireworks by Reema Gondhia, Imperial College]
History of fireworks [Pyro Universe]

China International Sheet Metal Market Expo? Important Subject – Cnc Machining Gear, Casting,
China International Sheet Metal Market Expo? Important theme
China International Sheetmetal Industry Exposition
2010 China (Shenzhen) International CNC machining equipment and casting, forging Exhibition and Conference
Date: May 2010 28 – 30 Venue: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Centre
Supervised by: Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government
Organizer: China International Sheet Metal Market Association, three Department of International Group Co., Ltd.
Sponsor: Third Meeting of Guangdong International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Particular help: Shenzhen China Hi-Tech Exchange Center
Theme: green manufacturing and technological innovation
Market place trends
Along with CNC machining equipment manufacturing sector and the large demand for modern day manufacturing tactics in order to obtain the increasing demands of NC technologies, high speed, higher precision, high intelligence, higher automation is the future of CNC machining gear trends our national defense, aviation, space business development and energy business gear and other standard wants of large and powerful efficiency of numerical handle gear, excellent assistance, at present, CNC equipment, has turn into the national economy and national defense construction and improvement of main gear.
The metal casting business as the major method and indicates of processing, is a colossal critical industries, automotive, petrochemical, steel, electric power, shipbuilding, textiles, military, aviation, aerospace, equipment manufacturing and other pillar industries are primarily based, are an critical portion of the manufacturing sector. With the automobile, aircraft development and continuous improvement of environmental protection requirements, to the metal forming technology is also a greater demand. Product intensive production, development of personality, power requirements, environmental needs, will lead to metal forming business, a new round of technological innovation and transformation of casting the new technologies, new components, new gear, study, improvement, environmental protection kind casting of the original and auxiliary supplies is to market the value of holding this exhibition, one particular of the motives, settling in low energy consumption and raw material consumption, use of renewable components and power, to ensure the sustainable improvement of foundry sector to accomplish self-innovation, green, green casting is this exhibition and forums focused on the topic. Meanwhile, also the foundry industry’s future technologies and marketplace improvement.
Operate collectively to lead the market
Hold “2010 China (Shenzhen) International CNC machining gear and casting, forging Exhibition and Conference”, to meet the existence of China, especially southern China, held a enormous marketplace demand. For the fast increasing Chinese market, via our organized exhibitions, conferences and promotional activities for far more enterprises to produce valuable company possibilities in China, Guangdong province, organized the very first economic “FNCEF2010”, organizers hope that the enterprises in this In the course of the exhibition shows the most advanced CNC machining equipment and casting, forging and industrial chain products, in time for the domestic and international consumers the top of the world’s most cutting-edge technologies solutions and CNC machining gear for the nation and casting, forging and purchasing departments to provide top quality products and solutions and solutions the very same time promoting our CNC machining equipment and casting, forging and upgrading equipment as CNC machining and casting, forging specialist and technical fields the strongest, most close to the market leader in activities! Whether or not you are a company choice makers, technical choice makers, or technical specialists, development group, developers, general customers, “FNCEF2010” will bring you each outstanding knowledge and value.
Casting and CNC gear pros Promotion
Live show has set up higher-level personnel area, to attract a lot more expert talent casting and CNC technologies enterprises to participate in the field, the field of enterprises with more talent to our casting and CNC manufacturing sector with powerful technical talent help.
On the “2010 China International Sheet Metal Business Expo”
“FNCEF2010” is “2010 Sheet Fair,” one particular of the critical topics, “FNCEF2010” and “Sheet Metal Expo 2010” held in the exact same field, will show the resources to attain complementary mainly deals with the acquire of raw components — Bending Forming — welding (assembly) spray — — — service delivery, comprehensive show of sheet metal processing and industrial fields as properly as the whole approach chain exhibition, the region of the globe sheet metal business producers display new technology new gear enhance corporate image, sheet metal market requirements to recognize China, and to find Cooperation Partners, develop the market constructed a good platform for exchange and cooperation.
I am China Producers writer, reports some details about threaded pin , threaded aluminum rod.
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Image by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin
Governor Tomblin, Division of Commerce
Celebrate West Virginia’s Best Exporters
Governor recognizes 37 West Virginia exporters,
announces STEP grant funding
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (August 24, 2016) – Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, along with West Virginia Department of Commerce Secretary Keith Burdette, on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, awarded the International Market Entry Award to 37 businesses from across the Mountain State. These awards honor West Virginia firms that successfully exported to a new nation. In 2015, West Virginia organizations exported much more than .8 billion in items to much more than 140 nations.
Throughout the award presentation, Gov. Tomblin also announced that West Virginia has been after once more selected by the U.S. Small Enterprise Administration to get funding through the State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) grant initiative. These funds will assistance the West Virginia Improvement Office’s export help program to support modest organizations offset the costs of international organization.
"Today we celebrate West Virginia firms that have confirmed our state can compete successfully in the global market. Exports are a crucial tool for financial growth," Gov. Tomblin said. "These companies are an asset to our state as we continue to grow our company landscape and diversify West Virginia’s economy. I constantly appear forward to this chance to recognize their successes."
The Governor’s Commendation for International Marketplace Entry Awards honor companies that have effectively exported to a new nation in the prior year. Every single firm receives a framed piece of currency from every single new country to which the enterprise started exporting. The presentation is primarily based on the tradition of displaying the 1st dollar a enterprise earns.
Businesses getting the Governor’s Commendation for the 1st time this year are Probe America in Beckley, Mountain State Hardwoods in Bancroft, and Mountaineer Brand in Shepherdstown. In a specific presentation, Wheeling Truck Center received its 100th export award. Considering that creating their first export sale in 2010, the organization has exported to a lot more than 100 nations.
The West Virginia Development Office International Division aids small- to medium-sized West Virginia organizations enter new foreign markets. For much more info on export development services offered by the state, visit www.worldtradewv.org.
Commendations have been awarded right now to the following firms:
Berkeley County
Library Corporation, Inwood. Nations: Ethiopia and Madagascar. Item: Automation software for libraries. Nations: Ethiopia and Madagascar.
Energy Sonix, Inc, Martinsburg. Country: Cote D’Ivoire. Solution: Public address systems.
Brooke County
American Muscle Docks & Fabrication, Wellsburg. Nations: Mexico and Norway. Products: Boat docks, hardware, and marine accessories.
Eagle Manufacturing Company, Wellsburg. Nations: Canada France Mexico and South Korea. Products: Safety cabinets, security cans, spill containment, material handling.
United States Gypsum Firm, Weirton. Country: Jordan. Solution: Constructing material – corner bead.
Cabell County
Steel of West Virginia, Inc., Huntington. Nations: India and Thailand. Item: Steel rolling mill.
Fayette County
The Robbins Business, Fayetteville. Country: Albania. Solution: Conveyor gear.
Grant County
Allegheny Wood Products, Petersburg. Nation: Australia. Item: Hardwood lumber.
Greenbrier County
Virtually Heaven Saunas, LLC, Renick. Nations: Costa Rica and Czech Republic. Products: Indoor and outside saunas.
American Foam Technologies, Inc., Maxwelton. Nation: Netherlands. Item: Phenolic and urethane foam.
Appalachian Electronic Instruments, Ronceverte. Country: Brazil. Product: Textile high quality/ process control equipment.
Ezebreak, LLC, Frankford. Nation: Norway. Solution: Micro-Blaster kits and accessories.
Falcon Analytical Systems & Technology, LLC, Lewisburg. Countries: Brazil, Ireland and Russia. Product: Gas chromatographs.
Hardy County
Peacock Manufacturing Co., LLC, Wardensville. Nation: Honduras. Item: Custom cabinetry manufacturing.
Harrison County
FMW Rubber Goods, Inc., Bridgeport. Nation: Japan. Item: Ground expedient refueling technique (GERS).
Jackson County
Constellium Rolled Goods Ravenswood, LLC, Ravenswood. Nation: South Africa. Merchandise: Aluminum sheet, plate, coil items.
Niche Polymer, LLC, Ravenswood. Nation: China. Product: Plastic compounding, extrusion.
Jefferson County
Mountaineer Brand, Shepherdstown. Nation: Sweden. Merchandise: Organic beard and physique care products.
Schonstedt Instrument Company, Kearneysville. Nations: Dominica Mexico Panama Paraguay and Republic of Macedonia. Merchandise: Underground utility locators.
Kanawha County
Cyclops Industries, Inc., South Charleston. Country: Iraq. Solution: Cyclops security sight glass.
NGK Spark Plugs (U.S.A.), Inc., Sissonville. Countries: China Germany Thailand and United Kingdom. Items: Spark plugs, oxygen sensors.
Preiser Scientific, Inc., Charleston. Nation: Nepal. Items: Laboratory testing gear for the coal industry.
Resolute Forest Goods, Fairmont. Countries: Australia Italy Japan South Korea Spain and United Kingdom. Product: Recycled bleach kraft pulp.
Marshall County
Tecnocap, LLC, Glen Dale. Countries: Brazil Mexico and Sri Lanka. Products: Metal closures for packaging.
Monongalia County
Gurkees®, Morgantown. Countries: China Cyprus Finland Israel Poland Switzerland Taiwan and United Arab Emirates. Solution: Rope sandals.
Z Electric Car, Westover. Countries: Indonesia and United Arab Emirates. Merchandise: Electric cars, EV components.
Morgan County
Caperton Furniturworks, LLC, Berkeley Springs. Countries: Uganda and Vietnam. Solution: Wooden furniture.
Ohio County
Direct On the internet Advertising and marketing, Wheeling. Countries: Costa Rica and Germany. Merchandise: Digital advertising and marketing search engine advertising and marketing.
TROY Group, Inc., Wheeling. Countries: Chad China Cyprus Dominican Republic El Salvador Ethiopia French Polynesia Hungary Indonesia Iraq Kuwait Malaysia Mozambique New Zealand Pakistan Panama Paraguay Spain Thailand and Turkey. Item: Safety printing solutions.
Wheeling Truck Center, Inc., Wheeling. Countries: Ethiopia Moldova Guatemala and Panama. Product: Truck parts.
Putnam County
Kanawha Scales & Systems, Inc., Poca. Nation: Australia. Solution: Coal train loadout.
Mountain State Hardwoods, Bancroft. Nations: China Egypt United Kingdom and Vietnam. Solution: Lumber.
Multicoat Merchandise, Fraziers Bottom. Countries: Canada China Costa Rica Greece Japan Mexico and United Arab Emirates. Item: Building coatings.
Raleigh County
American Airworks, Sophia. Nations: China Indonesia Lithuania Nigeria Panama Qatar Spain and Sweden. Goods: Higher stress breathing apparatus and compressed air components.
Cogar Manufacturing, Beckley. Nation: Austria. Item: Feeder breaker.
Englo, Inc. dba Engart, Inc., Beckley. Nations: Philippines, Thailand and Trinidad & Tobago. Item: Dust extraction.
Probe America, Inc., Beckley. Countries: Bahamas and Canada. Products: Odor and dust handle items.
Wood County
Baron-Blakeslee SFC, Inc., Williamstown. Nations: Costa Rica and Egypt. Item: Industrial cleaning systems.
Photographs obtainable for media use. All pictures need to be attributed “Photo courtesy of Workplace of the Governor.”
Image by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin
Governor Tomblin, Department of Commerce
Celebrate West Virginia’s Prime Exporters
Governor recognizes 37 West Virginia exporters,
announces STEP grant funding
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (August 24, 2016) – Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, along with West Virginia Division of Commerce Secretary Keith Burdette, on Wednesday, August 24, 2016, awarded the International Market place Entry Award to 37 firms from across the Mountain State. These awards honor West Virginia businesses that successfully exported to a new nation. In 2015, West Virginia companies exported a lot more than .8 billion in goods to far more than 140 nations.
Throughout the award presentation, Gov. Tomblin also announced that West Virginia has been when once more selected by the U.S. Tiny Company Administration to get funding by means of the State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) grant initiative. These funds will help the West Virginia Development Office’s export assistance program to support modest businesses offset the expenses of international enterprise.
"Today we celebrate West Virginia organizations that have proven our state can compete effectively in the global market. Exports are a vital tool for economic growth," Gov. Tomblin said. "These firms are an asset to our state as we continue to develop our business landscape and diversify West Virginia’s economy. I often look forward to this chance to recognize their successes."
The Governor’s Commendation for International Market Entry Awards honor companies that have successfully exported to a new nation in the earlier year. Each company receives a framed piece of currency from every new nation to which the enterprise began exporting. The presentation is primarily based on the tradition of displaying the very first dollar a company earns.
Organizations getting the Governor’s Commendation for the very first time this year are Probe America in Beckley, Mountain State Hardwoods in Bancroft, and Mountaineer Brand in Shepherdstown. In a particular presentation, Wheeling Truck Center received its 100th export award. Given that making their first export sale in 2010, the organization has exported to far more than 100 countries.
The West Virginia Development Workplace International Division assists tiny- to medium-sized West Virginia firms enter new foreign markets. For a lot more details on export improvement solutions offered by the state, go to www.worldtradewv.org.
Commendations had been awarded nowadays to the following businesses:
Berkeley County
Library Corporation, Inwood. Nations: Ethiopia and Madagascar. Solution: Automation software for libraries. Countries: Ethiopia and Madagascar.
Power Sonix, Inc, Martinsburg. Nation: Cote D’Ivoire. Solution: Public address systems.
Brooke County
American Muscle Docks & Fabrication, Wellsburg. Countries: Mexico and Norway. Products: Boat docks, hardware, and marine accessories.
Eagle Manufacturing Organization, Wellsburg. Nations: Canada France Mexico and South Korea. Merchandise: Safety cabinets, security cans, spill containment, material handling.
United States Gypsum Organization, Weirton. Nation: Jordan. Solution: Building material – corner bead.
Cabell County
Steel of West Virginia, Inc., Huntington. Countries: India and Thailand. Item: Steel rolling mill.
Fayette County
The Robbins Company, Fayetteville. Country: Albania. Item: Conveyor equipment.
Grant County
Allegheny Wood Items, Petersburg. Nation: Australia. Solution: Hardwood lumber.
Greenbrier County
Practically Heaven Saunas, LLC, Renick. Countries: Costa Rica and Czech Republic. Items: Indoor and outside saunas.
American Foam Technologies, Inc., Maxwelton. Country: Netherlands. Product: Phenolic and urethane foam.
Appalachian Electronic Instruments, Ronceverte. Nation: Brazil. Solution: Textile high quality/ method control equipment.
Ezebreak, LLC, Frankford. Nation: Norway. Product: Micro-Blaster kits and accessories.
Falcon Analytical Systems & Technologies, LLC, Lewisburg. Nations: Brazil, Ireland and Russia. Item: Gas chromatographs.
Hardy County
Peacock Manufacturing Co., LLC, Wardensville. Country: Honduras. Item: Custom cabinetry manufacturing.
Harrison County
FMW Rubber Items, Inc., Bridgeport. Country: Japan. Solution: Ground expedient refueling system (GERS).
Jackson County
Constellium Rolled Items Ravenswood, LLC, Ravenswood. Country: South Africa. Products: Aluminum sheet, plate, coil merchandise.
Niche Polymer, LLC, Ravenswood. Country: China. Solution: Plastic compounding, extrusion.
Jefferson County
Mountaineer Brand, Shepherdstown. Nation: Sweden. Products: Organic beard and physique care merchandise.
Schonstedt Instrument Organization, Kearneysville. Countries: Dominica Mexico Panama Paraguay and Republic of Macedonia. Items: Underground utility locators.
Kanawha County
Cyclops Industries, Inc., South Charleston. Country: Iraq. Product: Cyclops safety sight glass.
NGK Spark Plugs (U.S.A.), Inc., Sissonville. Countries: China Germany Thailand and United Kingdom. Goods: Spark plugs, oxygen sensors.
Preiser Scientific, Inc., Charleston. Nation: Nepal. Products: Laboratory testing gear for the coal business.
Resolute Forest Goods, Fairmont. Countries: Australia Italy Japan South Korea Spain and United Kingdom. Product: Recycled bleach kraft pulp.
Marshall County
Tecnocap, LLC, Glen Dale. Nations: Brazil Mexico and Sri Lanka. Merchandise: Metal closures for packaging.
Monongalia County
Gurkees®, Morgantown. Nations: China Cyprus Finland Israel Poland Switzerland Taiwan and United Arab Emirates. Product: Rope sandals.
Z Electric Car, Westover. Nations: Indonesia and United Arab Emirates. Merchandise: Electric vehicles, EV components.
Morgan County
Caperton Furniturworks, LLC, Berkeley Springs. Countries: Uganda and Vietnam. Item: Wooden furniture.
Ohio County
Direct On the internet Advertising and marketing, Wheeling. Nations: Costa Rica and Germany. Merchandise: Digital marketing and advertising search engine advertising.
TROY Group, Inc., Wheeling. Countries: Chad China Cyprus Dominican Republic El Salvador Ethiopia French Polynesia Hungary Indonesia Iraq Kuwait Malaysia Mozambique New Zealand Pakistan Panama Paraguay Spain Thailand and Turkey. Product: Safety printing options.
Wheeling Truck Center, Inc., Wheeling. Nations: Ethiopia Moldova Guatemala and Panama. Solution: Truck parts.
Putnam County
Kanawha Scales & Systems, Inc., Poca. Nation: Australia. Solution: Coal train loadout.
Mountain State Hardwoods, Bancroft. Nations: China Egypt United Kingdom and Vietnam. Solution: Lumber.
Multicoat Products, Fraziers Bottom. Countries: Canada China Costa Rica Greece Japan Mexico and United Arab Emirates. Product: Construction coatings.
Raleigh County
American Airworks, Sophia. Countries: China Indonesia Lithuania Nigeria Panama Qatar Spain and Sweden. Products: High pressure breathing apparatus and compressed air components.
Cogar Manufacturing, Beckley. Nation: Austria. Item: Feeder breaker.
Englo, Inc. dba Engart, Inc., Beckley. Nations: Philippines, Thailand and Trinidad & Tobago. Solution: Dust extraction.
Probe America, Inc., Beckley. Countries: Bahamas and Canada. Merchandise: Odor and dust manage products.
Wood County
Baron-Blakeslee SFC, Inc., Williamstown. Nations: Costa Rica and Egypt. Product: Industrial cleaning systems.
Images accessible for media use. All photos must be attributed “Photo courtesy of Workplace of the Governor.”

Cool Mechanical Engineering China images
Some cool mechanical engineering china photos:
Image from web page 421 of “Morton memorial a history of the Stevens institute of technologies, with biographies of the trustees, faculty, and alumni, and a record of the achievements of the Stevens family of engineers” (1905)
Image by Web Archive Book Images
Identifier: mortonmemorialhi00furm
Title: Morton memorial a history of the Stevens institute of technologies, with biographies of the trustees, faculty, and alumni, and a record of the achievements of the Stevens household of engineers
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Furman, Franklin De Ronde, 1870- ed
Subjects: Stevens family members Morton, Henry, 1836-1902 Stevens Institute of Technologies
Publisher: Hoboken, N.J., Stevens institute of technology
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
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1899.He has two youngsters, William Arnaud andMadeleine Arnaud Fox. Fraentzel, Frederick C. (M.E., 83), wasborn in Newark, N. J., June 4, 1862. He wasassistant in the department of maintenanceof ways of the Pennsylvania Railroad, JerseyCity, 1883 in the shops of the Pittsburg,Chicago, & St. Louis Railroad, Logansport.Ind., 1883-84 and first assistant engineerwith the Celluloid Manufacturing Co., New-ark, N. J., 1884-85. He has been a memberof the firm of Campbell & Co., Newark, N. J.,mechanical engineers, solicitors of patents,and specialists in patent causes, from 1885 todate. Given that the death of Mr. Campbell in1887 Mr. Fraentzel has continued the busi-ness alone at the exact same place. Fie has a largenumber of prominent customers, and he hasacted as patent agent for James E. Sague,A. H. Hickok, and E. D. Estrada, all of theClass of 83, in securing United States andforeign patents for them. He is also secre-tary and treasurer of the Electra Manufac-turing Co., Newark, and a member of the
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F. C. Fraentzel Board of Trade, the Newark Club, the Re-publican Club of Newark, N. J., and of theFreylinghuysen Lancers. Mr. Fraentzel is the son of H. Hugo R. THE ALUMNI 393 and Regina Fraentzel. He married LillieBlewett (deceased), February five, 1885 andWillmia Blewett, September 30, 1890. Hehas one particular child, Frederick H. W. Fraentzel. Frank, Emil H., Jr. (M.E., 98), was withthe Edison Electric Illuminating Co., NewYork, 1898-99 and with the American Pa-per Goods Co., Kensington, Conn., 1899-1900. He has been constructing engineerand draughtsn-fan for the Electric LaunchCo., Bayonne City, N. J., from 1900 to date. Frazar, Everett Welles (M.E., 90), wasborn in Shanghai, China, August 17, 1867.He was laboratory assistant with ThomasShaw, Philadelphia, 1890-91 engaged in ex-perimental function in the laboratory of ThomasA. Edison, Orange, N. J., 1891 and was as-sistant manager of the Sims-Edison Elec-trical Torpedo Co., 1891-93. In March, 1892, he went to France, wherehe constructed and te
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Image from page 416 of “American engineer and railroad journal” (1893)
Image by World wide web Archive Book Images
Identifier: americanengineer67newy
Title: American engineer and railroad journal
Year: 1893 (1890s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad vehicles
Publisher: New York : M.N. Forney
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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(launches)a .quick distance upriver, and I understand they are doing a■very profitable organization. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THEMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BRASS ONANNEALING. We know that the mechanical properties of hammered brassare very significantly modified by annealing. An examinationof the variation of these properties, due to the action of an-nealing temperatures, has been created with the view of detcr-
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Program OF CURVE PULLEYS FOE CABLE RAILWAY. If it is possible for companies to develop an engine thatcan be placed in the boats utilized right here, I think that there wouldsoon be a huge demand for such engines. The canals are theonly roads, and all travel is, of course, by boat. The trafficcarried on by boats is very big. The introduction of quickermethods of travel would be hugely appreciated, particularly Ifthe Taotai sets the example, and I deem this a most auspicioustime to introduce our strategies into this province. Some years ago I saw in Washington a boat which I thinkwould be specially nicely adapted for China. If I rec iUectaright, it was a petroleum launch produced in Providence. R. I.,by Brayton but such rapid strides have been made since thentliat i)0ssibly there might be more appropriate sorts on the marketnow. For the guidance of interested parties the following de-scription may be of some use : Length, 33 ft. breadth, 6 ft.ten in. height, from keel to rail, two ft. height, from rail to t
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Good Mechanical Engineering China pictures
Some cool mechanical engineering china pictures:
Image from web page 182 of “An American engineer in China” (1900)
Image by World wide web Archive Book Images
Identifier: cu31924023226081
Title: An American engineer in China
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Parsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932
Subjects: Parsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932 Railroads
Publisher: New York, McClure, Phillips & co.
Contributing Library: Cornell University Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ame on the base, they would beconsidered of Chinese make. They are inex-pensive, of the sort preferred by the Chinaman,although perhaps not for sale in Hamburg orBerlin. On the other hand, the American article,considerably more handsome, from our point of view,but also a lot more high-priced, is of the exact same style as issold on Broadway in New York. There is no want to multiply examples. Thereawaits the American manufacturer an outlet, espe-cially for tools, machinery, and other articles iniron and steel. He will find a demand for thesmaller and lighter machines, rather than for thelarger ones. That is to say, he must appeal firstto the person worker who exists now, ratherthan aim at the needs of a conglomeration in afactory which will come about in the future. The Chapter V: Industrial Relations 177 totals should be basic in character, casil WMirketlami kept in ortler, ami without tlie applicationof fast-return and other mechanical devices s<tnecessary lor labor-saviiicr with us. Litiht W(jod-
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A Chinese Saw-mill The teeth of the saw are arranged to reduce on the up stroke alternatively oton the down, as in other countries operating machiner} can be made to supplant thepresent manual-labnr techniques and a laroe fieldis open for all sorts oi pumps, windmills, piping-,and other articles of Inrlraulic machinerv. Cott(jn g(jods of the finer grades, as properly as the 178 An American Engineer in China coarser which are supplied, household articles ofall kinds, glassware, window-glass, wall-paper,and plumbing fixtures will find a prepared market,as will also farm equipments, such as light-wheeledvehicles and small agricultural implements of allkinds. In these, as in a lot of manufactured arti-cles, American trade has as yet made little or noimpression and yet the American post has anacknowledged superiority over any other for-eign make. It is essential for us also to study the China-man himself. The English and American tradersmake but small try to find out the language, andtherefore frequently f
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Image from web page 124 of “American engineer and railroad journal” (1893)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: americanengineer77newy
Title: American engineer and railroad journal
Year: 1893 (1890s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads Railroad automobiles
Publisher: New York : M.N. Forney
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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co, the firststop to be at Honolulu. From there he goes to Japan, Koreaand Slam, and from China he will travel more than the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Russia. He plans to go to every countryin Europe. Mr. Gross will be absent from this nation abouta year. The goal of his trip is to make a careful investi-gation of the opportunities for American locomotives in theOrient and European nations and to establish systematicbusiness relations. Mr. Gross will be accompanied on his tripby Cliarles M. Muchnic, till recently mechanical engineer ofthe Denver & Rio Grande, who will act as Mr. Gross secretary. Mr. Max Toltz has resigned as mechanical engineer of theGreat Northern Railway. He is engaged in superintendingthe application of his system of acetylene car lighting to alarge quantity of vehicles on the Canadian Pacific, and has beenretained by that road in a consulting engineering capacity inconnection with the new shops at Montreal. March, 1903. AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. Ill
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nniDD DD
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Image by Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Coaching (CARAT)
110824-N-XR557-038 SOUTH CHINA SEA (Aug. 24, 2011) Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical) 3rd Class Earl Bellamy, center, of the guided missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) shows Republic of Singapore Navy officers 2nd Lt. Dominic Lew, left, and Lt. Bryan Low, right, the propulsion gas turbine module during a tour of the engineering spaces whilst underway for Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Singapore 2011. CARAT 2011 is a series of bilateral workout routines held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and boost force readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Katerine Noll/Released)