Some cool sheet metal components china images:
Image from web page 64 of “Sunset” (1898)

Image by Net Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: sunset74jansout
Title: Sunset
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Department
Publisher: [San Francisco, Calif. : Passenger Dept., Southern Pacific Co.] Menlo Park, CA : Sunset Publishing Corporation
Contributing Library: Web Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: World wide web Archive
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Before Image:
arently altering it, andat the identical time adding to the appear-ance of the fireplace unit? To find outhow a lot smaller the opening shouldbe, experiment by employing a massive sheet ofcardboard to cover part of the mouth,until you uncover the proportion that ef-fectively stops the smoking. (If indoubt as to proportions, send to Wash-ington, D. C, for Farmers BulletinNo. 1230.) An economical and sensible methodis to build a grate and fender as illus-trated here. The minimum height ofthe grate and fender is 14 inches, and,as the height of the opening in the aver-age fireplace is in between 30 and 34inches, this really cuts the openingdown to about a third its original size.Any machine-shop worker can makesuch a grate. The fender is most attrac-tive, created out of hammered copper andwrought iron if no one particular is found whodoes this function, have a mechanic makeone out of sheet metal. The fender isneeded not only for appears, but in orderto decrease the draft under the fire.Being loose, it can be easily removed
Text Appearing Soon after Image:
although one cleans out the ashes andsweeps the hearth. The front of the grate is created of% by li/j-inch soft steel. The bottombars of the grate are reduce from I/2 by114-inch bars, and are spaced % inchapart, resting at front and rear on two by2-inch angle iron. If the grate is 20inches or more than in depth, it is better tohave the center supported by anotherangle iron. The center grate bars areleft loose, so that they can be turnedover or replaced in case of warping. Inmost fireplaces the back is narrowerthan the front, in which case the trian-gular sides of the bottom of the grate(see sketch) can generally be made outof a piece of y^ by 6-inch sheet ironcut at an angle. It will be discovered veryconvenient to have the grate resting ontwo or much more U-shaped legs for slidingit into the fireplace opening, though itcan be supported on bricks. Rivets(five/16-inch size) are utilised and %-inchholes are drilled which ought to take careof any inaccuracies in lining up theholes. The grate must be set in threeinches fro
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