Some cool china metal stamping images:
Image from page 812 of “The Ladies’ house journal” (1889)

Image by Net Archive Book Pictures
Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet
Title: The Ladies’ house journal
Year: 1889 (1880s)
Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945
Subjects: Women’s periodicals Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive
Publisher: Philadelphia : [s.n.]
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: World wide web Archive
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Text Appearing Prior to Image:
that distributes the heat evenlythrough every single inch of the uten-sil. Spot scorching is a voided… cooking is speeded… lessfuel is required. Ordinary clean-sers are all you need to keepthem spotless and vibrant. There is a Nesco EvenheetUtensil for each and every cookingneed, including Covered SaucePots, Percolator, Covered FryPan, Double Boilers, CoveredSauce Pans and Mixing Bowls.Get yours these days! three LAYERS OF METALSurfaces of Evenheetstainless steel have alayer of heat-spread-ing metal bondedbetween them. FINGER-Fit HANDLESCool plastic handles,plus suitable balanc-ing, make NescoEvenheet Utensilseasy to lift and carry. FOLDED EDGESNesco Evenheet Uten-sils have top edgesfolded for further dura-bility and sanitation.Covers match securely. Nesco items incorporate electric roasters, pressure pans, enameledvanized ware, decorated kitchen containers, electric beaten, oil
Text Appearing Following Image:
LASTING BEAUTYThis fine Evenheetstainless steel is practically impervious tofood acids, scratching, pitting and put on ware, tinware,gal ranges and beaters, NATIONAL ENAMELING AND STAMPING COMPANYDEPT. E4, 270 N. 12TH ST., MILWAUKEE 1, WISCONSIN
Note About Images
Please note that these photos are extracted from scanned page pictures that could have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations might not perfectly resemble the original perform.