Some cool prototype china images:
Trash Aviation Founder, Jim Boatscum

Image by Velo abzug
Jim Boatskum, founder of Trash Aviation unincorporated, holds in his left hand, the prototype radio controlled stunt flier created from a plastic pop bottle, styrofoam cup, styrofoam meat trays, tape and bubble rap & in Jim’s appropriate hand, a balsa glider I made for . Whilst the battery in T-1 charges, we launched the totally free-flight glider on this fine day on the grassy hill in Bellingham WA.
An now, a message from the President:
DOWNWARD BOUND – with Hippie Jim
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Mon, Jun 14, 2010, 11:34 am // Kamalla Rose Kaur
Bums don’t quit when they hit bottom…
Bums never quit when they hit bottom, they punch proper by means of and preserve going. Quitting is for addicts.
With the ongoing harvest, processing, and export of the middle class you may uncover your self canned, fired, baked, fried, or just burnt out. You imagine you will just grow to be a bum, but it really is not that effortless. You require coaching to live like me. Takes ability, study, and aptitude to be a bum. Bumming has its traditions and methods since there are methods to do issues… effectively, often there aren’t. We employed to be hobos and tramps. Can’t be a hobo no much more due to the fact you can not hop a train to India or China exactly where the jobs are. Can not be a tramp these days with no silicone and botox. So I’m going to teach a poverty survival class named DOWNWARD BOUND, simply because the poor and destitute are the quickest growing industry in the USA! We never purchase anything, but we can make up for it in volume. DOWNWARD BOUND charges no funds, but you have to want to be a bum. Like any other job, you won’t get hired if you’re not enthusiastic.
About Puget Sound, we’ve had bums for as extended as we’ve had folks who disapprove of them. To hear the missionaries talk, the fur traders have been bums. Dirty Dan was a bum. We have old bums from the days of freighthopping, middle-aged bums from the Vietnam and Gulf wars, young bums from Jerry’s death, tiny kids in bum schools, and we’ve got fitness freaks losing bums all over the spot. We got ’em moving right here in droves, running from the weather in Florida and Texas, running from predators in California, bummed out by Enron and Arnold. These people ain’t raised up to be poor, they got no encounter and no life abilities except paying for items. It really is tough function not working, for those utilized to not operating in corporations.
Like how bums got no water cooler. No cubicles. No everyday commute. No boss. With no boss, who’s going to tell you what to do? Glenn Beck? Earth 1st!? Individuals inform the homeless what to do, they often say, “Get a job!” What do you say to somebody who sees a “will work for food” sign and says “get a job”? Like the bum’s hoping to be rescued by aliens with that sign? Or score hot babes? That only operates on the Internet. Seriously, when’s the final time YOU saw a sign saying, Bums Wanted?
With no a cubicle, exactly where are you going to sleep? Where are you going to get dates off Craigslist, post videos of co-workers breaking the law, or get your WoW fix? Where are you going to get Post-It notes? How are you going to keep your on the web resume up to date, not to mention Facebook? And no water cooler – men and women have hung around water coolers because there had been village wells. Exactly where do bums get to hang? Where do they locate drinking water?
There IS free coffee for bums, but it really is not worth what you spend for it.
You gotta be inventive to be poor. Times adjust and you adapt. I utilized to reside at the airport below a plane, but these days flew. I lived on a boat after. I lived below a boat when. Below was greater. I had a high rise apartment inside the old Oeser chimney. What a view! Then one night some amateur scientist decides to shoot fireworks up that chimney. I got down the ladder alive and we both fled the scene before the uniforms got there. After that I slept in the planter box at the Bank of America. That worked wonderful for me since I get up early, and they sleep in.
Really this town is a peaceful resting location. If you can snooze whilst sitting upright, holding a book, you can sleep anyplace in Bellingham.
Food here in the Pacific Northwest is no issue either, specially for meat-consuming bums like me. With a carrot in one particular hand and a huge stick in the other, bagging Bambi is easy. I employed to use a snare to catch deer but I caught hippies that way. Do you know how difficult it is to clean one of them?
Beside venison, there’s lots of other nearby meals. Have you noticed far more black squirrels around town? That is due to the fact the gray ones taste far better. And I consume lots of birds. I produced me a bird zapper on a cell tower in the woods. Operates very good on hotdogs as well, but it is tough to find hotdogs off-leash. So how do bums roast game with out a stove? Forget about fires, you can’t get wood, you cannot burn, and you can not smoke. Again you got to move with the instances. When I lived below that jet plane, when they fired her up I’d heave a venison roast, or meals bank turkey, via the engine. It came out cooked, sliced, and smoked. I got a patent for spiral sliced sandwich meat as well. Or you can take a long bamboo pole, stick one thing on the finish and poke it into a substation. Pow! Requires the fur and feathers proper off.
Now my favorite way to cook salmon is to lay it in the back window of a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda. That was the best salmon-cooking automobile ever. You just lay that fish below the sloping back window on a sunny day, set a can of pepper spray next to it and when the can explodes, the fish is completed – AND seasoned! Employed to use Mace, but individuals like hot pepper presently.
Bathing is no difficulty for bums in these parts. I get showered-on most daily. On rare hot days the lawn sprinklers come on at four a.m. Or if you want a true extended hot soak, I advocate the executive bathroon at the Port of Bellingham. It is some sort of temple with this enormous, I mean 8 feet across, fancy imitation marble sink. It appears like a giant bird bath, or communal baptismal font, with a huge brass shower head above squirting warm water. I figure Port commisioners use that sink to wash their hands right after signing dirty deals. When when they weren’t there, I plugged the drain, stripped naked and climbed in. Heavenly, but don’t use their soap.
Back when you have been middle class you necessary to know who’s who. Now you need to have to know what is what.
With Hippie Jim’s poverty survival course, DOWNWARD BOUND, you will also learn:
1. Who performs for you and who does not. (Hint: people wearing uniforms do not operate for you any longer. Not even if the uniform says “Burger King” on the pocket.)
two. The banks never work for you any a lot more either, so you can find out to keep your funds on your body somewhere no a single will go, even for income. (Hint: after a month, your sock is sufficient).
3. How to inform organizations that want to kill you from those that just do not want you around? (Hint: the 1st group have “General,” “Corporation,” or “Limited” in their name, and the second have someone’s first name”)
4. Meals Bank, very good Blood Bank, poor Sperm Bank, good Data Bank, negative. More about banks…
five. Mullen, excellent nettles, poor: toiletries from nature. Do Bums Shit in the Woods? Sanitation with no sewers. Wellness without having medicine. Dreads with out head lice.
With so several of us in economic freefall, we’re going to need to have professional tips in poverty survival. Get in touch with Hippie Jim, or remain tuned for more particulars.